LoTi SimplePrep Dashboard
Perception + Consistency = Continuous Improvement
Simplify how you track and report teacher candidate progress toward the principals of universal design for learning in supervised clinical experiences and program perceptions. The LoTi SimplePrep Dashboardâ„¢ combines candidate self-assessment data, classroom observation data, and professional learning milestones to track and report teacher candidates' growth with digital teaching and learning. Collect quality data for candidate professional learning, program improvement, and/or state/national accreditation with this easy-to-use tool.
The LoTi SimplePrep Dashboardâ„¢ provides preparation program providers with a real-time snapshot of candidate progress. The research-based metrics track and report candidate growth at multiple points and supply vital program feedback and professional learning recommendations aligned to the InTASC and CAEP Standards.
Quality Evidence Through Multiple Measures
The LoTi SimplePrep Dashboardâ„¢ uses multiple measures to minimize the time needed for gathering and reporting quality data while highlighting valuable program preparation trends and recommendations.
In-Depth Reporting Meets Multiple Needs
LoTi Framework  • InTASC Standards  • CAEP Standards • ISTE Standards for Educators  • H.E.A.T. Framework • Danielson Framework for Teaching (Domains 2 & 3)  • Digital Age Best Practices • SAM-R Framework • Daggett’s Rigor & Relevance  • Webb’s DoK
For Providers
A Real-Time Dashboard
24/7 Monitoring of Teacher Candidates
Individual Teacher Candidate Profiles
Teacher Candidate PD Tracker
Cohort Survey and Observation Reporting
Cohort Reports based on CAEP Standards
For Candidates
A Personalized Profile
Individual Survey Results & Recommendations
Personalized Professional Development Planner
Observation Results & Feedback
24/7 Access to Personal Profile
Real-Time Survey and Observation Scores
LoTi SimplePrep Dashboard
Try it Yourself
Go to the LoTi SimplePrep Dashboard login page.
Under LOGIN, enter the demo Username and Password: eppadmin
​To review sample cohort data, click on the 2017-2019 Cohort.
To see a teacher's dashboard, click on a candidate name.
To try the LoTi Digital Age Survey, choose Take a Survey from the Candidate Surveys menu.
To try the EPP Teacher Observation, choose Conduct an Observation from the Candidate Observations menu.
LoTi Digital Age Survey for EPP Teacher Candidates
Take a Sample Survey
Click the button below to access the LoTi Lounge
Under LOGIN, enter the demo Username and Password: eppadmin
Click the Take a LoTi Survey button on the main page
Click on Start a New Survey to complete a sample survey
Review personal results with targeted recommendations and overall group trends in this demo account.